Specialising in the supply of ISSF Target Pistols, Rifles & Accessories.

Specialising in the supply of ISSF Target Pistols, Rifles & Accessories.

Morini CM 22MRF ALU


Morini CM 22MRF ALU

Product Enquiry

Out of stock

The lightest of the family of Standard pistols more suited to women and juniour shooters.
Uses direct bullet feed from magazine to breach rather than traditional feed between magazine lips which cause rim or bullet nose damage, misfeeds and jams.
The hammer spring tension can be adjusted by the shooter.
The pistol can be regulated to any ammunition velocity.
I features the lowest sight line of current production small-bore Standard pistol.
Rearsight has adjustable elevation, windage and blade cut-out width.
Complete disassembly made easy by use of only two main screws – one through the grip and one for the frame.
Manufactured of alloy frame and barrel housing for the lightest weight.
Full range of adjustable grip option available.
Supplied in a rigid factory carry case.
Alloy Frame.

Caliber – .22 l.r.
Weight – 950 g
Dimension (L/H/W) – 300/140/50 mm
Length of Sight Line – 220 mm
Barrell Length – 130 mm
Trigger – Mechanic
First stage weight – 400 – 800 g
Second stage weight – 100 – 1000 g
Front sight – 3.5/4.0/4.5 mm
Magazine Capacity – 5

Weight 5 kg