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Rink Custom Grips for 50m Pistols
Adjustable Grips for 50m Pistols – from $475.00
Anatomical grips for 50m pistols have been Rinks field of expertise for 15 years.
With their extensive know how and the latest manufacturing standards, Rink delivers to customers around the world.
Rink grips are custom made to order, please take the time to read the following information on how to select the right options when ordering your grip.
Download the MASTER RINK FORM * latest*and do a ‘tracing’ of your hand in order to get the best possible grip made for you.
5 Sizes are available
The hand width should be measured across the knuckles, without the thumb.
XS……80mm hand width
S……..85mm hand width
M…….90mm hand width
L……..95mm hand width
XL……100mm hand widthMASTER RINK FORM * latest*