Specialising in the supply of ISSF Target Pistols, Rifles & Accessories.

Specialising in the supply of ISSF Target Pistols, Rifles & Accessories.

Eigenbrod 50M Target system


Eigenbrod 50M Target system

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Electro-automatic Target Pulley-system
Model 'Standard 5001-99'

EIGENBROD shooting systems are built for long economic lifetime. The target pulley system is made out of a solid steel construction. The target disk carrier is attuned to the target dimensions and added to a corresponding locking mechanism to secure the fixedness of the target. The target disk carrier rides on a steel rope with plastics coating and added to ball beared plastic rolls to secure a quiet running. The hauling rope is made of stainless steel. (V2A). Several breakpoints like 10 m, 15 m, 25 m and 30 m are available. The target pulley system can be used for pistol and rifle 50 m as well as for large caliber 100 m. Furthermore the pulley system can be used for free pistol after replacement with the assoiciated target disk carrier.
The model 'Standard 5001-99' is constructed for any distances in sportive shooting and hunting devoid of readjustment. The target pulley system is designed for continuousoperation in case of disclaiming accident sensitive parts like engaging springs, limit switches, brackets, lodestones, diverter etc. The specical controller and motor assure an efficient functionality at any time. By using a special controller the motor is driven in different velocities. Therefore the target disk carrier is pulled in crawl speed at endposition and at each breakpoint which prolongs the economic life-time of the runners. The system runs smoothly and it is inured to variations in temperature and slip of the cable. The controller is also secured against mains failure and operating errors. After activation of the distinctive shunt signal button the target disk carrier runs up at a speed of 7 m/sec. At 4 m before endposition the controller backspaces into crawl speed and the target disk carrier runs to the endstop at a speed of 1,3 m/sec. After the disk carrier attained at each endstop exact to the milimeter the motor switches out.